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Random Jazz 1/20/2016

Below is another assortment of photos, including some pretty girls and some strange sights. Hope you enjoy. Very soon I’ll have some more structured posts to share with you, including from my trip to Australia and New Zealand.

Ocean zipper

Which way to nature?

Cheyenne Conner

Naina Michaud

Cheyenne Conner in Monterey

Dragon fly


Naina Michaud

Flowers of some sort

Nature, sanitized

Cheyenne Conner

Gone, but not forgotten

Naina Michaud


I caught a kite

For the last photo, here are some dinosaurs in a barn of sorts. Check back soon for an explanation and the rest of this set, and don’t forget: if you’re viewing this as a single post, feel free to take a look at the rest of my posts. Thanks!

Dinosaurs in the ark?

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Random Jazz: Circle Gets the Square Edition

More unpublished stuff for you.

First up are some photos of my friend Tim Gill, who’s an amazing musician and leads a few different incredible musical groups, including the Tim Gill All Stars. You should probably go see them live or buy some of their music if you know what’s good for you.
Tim Gill

Tim Gill

Tim Gill

I did some work with my friend Anna Habrat (the Magical Blonde Hair Stylist) for entries in the NAHA competition. While I can’t show you the super rad styles she came up with until after the competition, I thought I’d throw in some interesting outtakes if for no other reason than model Dawnielle has amazing eyes.
Model takes a break

Crying model

I made this mermaid a few months ago with my Pixelstick. There’s supposed to be some dolphins in there, but they’re jerks and aren’t showing up well.
Pixelstick mermaid at the pool

Urban river

This one hurts my head to look at.
Urban fountain

Urban fountain

Tuolomne meadows

Moon reflected in a building

I know this photo doesn’t look like much, but I’m pretty sure it’s the most perfect photo I’ve ever taken. Some day when I die this will be sold for millions of dollars. Get your copy now for a mere $1,000.

And last but not least, a giant hole. See you next year!
Pentagon at OC Performing Arts Center

birdyIf you’re viewing this a a single post and have like 6 more minutes to kill, feel free to check out the rest of my work here.

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Random Jazz: Guy of Thrones Edition

I’ll admit, my title is terrible. Like, probably the worst title I’ve ever come up with. However, sometimes it’s hard work to be an international man of mystery and part-time saint and also have to come up with blog titles. The reason I did pick that is because I’m starting off my post with portraits I took of my friend David Peterson, who’s probably the most famous person I know (in an understated kinda way).

Here he is:

David J. Peterson, Game of Thrones and Defiance

The reason he’s famous is because he’s the inventor and “curator” (I guess?) of the Dothraki language spoken on the Game of Thrones TV show. He also does the language work for SyFy’s Defiance, writes books, speaks at conventions and seminars (including Comic-Con), invents languages, and once upon a time had a pretty decent three-point shot. You should watch those TV shows or buy any of his books so that he can continue to be famous and maybe someday introduce me to a beautiful young starlet.

Plus, I mean, isn’t he just a dream boat?

David J. Peterson, Game of Thrones and Defiance

Now that things are sufficiently awkward, let’s move onto more random stuff. Here’s a photo from the time I went to Mars.

Toadstool Hoodoos

This is Amanda, a lovely young lady from our planet who I might be taking more photos of soon.

Amanda, headshot, future model

Let’s get even more random now. I was bored and decided to take pictures of numerically significant groups of items at the beach. Bet you didn’t think you’d be seeing this today, did you? Well, here you go:

Corona Del Mar

Corona Del Mar seaweed

Corona Del Mar

I decided that this is the metaphorical equivalent of what it feels like to be in your house when an earthquake hits:

Seaweek inside a brick

Bam! Random red panda! P.s. these are probably the best animals in existence.

Red Panda

Since I really need to use the restroom, I’m going to shut up and leave you with a few pictures of other random things. Oh, actually, one last thing: if you haven’t already noticed, I relaunched my prints gallery, featuring work by myself and other artists, including my talented brother Nate Reinig. Take a look if you have 23 seconds. If you’re my friend on Facebook, hit me up and I’ll give you a limited-time discount code if you’re interested in anything.

Otherwise, thanks for stopping by!

Bird silhouette

Bird silhouette


Totem pole, Monument Valley

Sky buckets and the moon

Want more photos? Head to the home page and scroll on down.

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2011: Year in Review

Jake Reinig, portrait photographer

Yes, yes…I know I’m late. Rather than bore you with words, here’s a small selection of 2011 photos from a myriad of different shoots. Apparently, I spent a lot of time on various beaches.

In 2012 I’ve got trips planned to San Antonio, New Orleans, London, Paris, Kiev, Chernobyl, and more, so make sure to check out the site from time to time.  You’ll only be mildly disappointed!






I took this next picture the day my friend Bobby Villanueva died. He was a good man who brought a lot of light to many lives. He’s still missed pretty badly.














Since I haven’t mentioned him elsewhere, I’ll mention him now: this is Dave Beck. He’s an all-around great person, cancer survivor, and soon to be an esteemed published author. You should buy him a beer sometime if you get the chance.













Remember that book entitled “The Monster at the End of this Book,” starring Grover? Well, just a heads up that in about 4 pictures there’s a photo of a lovely young woman that implies nudity. There’s no actual nudity, but since you might work at the Vatican or be looking at this post with your grandfather with the weak heart, I just wanted to give you a heads up. I think it’s worth scrolling past, but I don’t want to be responsible for murder.


Yes, we spelled “Death Valley” wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.


Hopefully you’re still with me. If not, I hope the Vatican pays you well, although I suppose if you’re not still with me you won’t know that I hope this.

This is my friend Dave, a world famous linguists specialist. Although this isn’t my best photo ever from a technical  standpoint, it is a nice photo of Dave. And because it’s a nice photo of Dave and because he really is world famous, this photo is my most published one to date. It’s even appeared in a newspaper article in Estonia.






This is another one where I think I could have done better, but people seem to like it. Of all the photos I’ve ever taken, this is by far the most popular. I think it has something to do with parents connecting to a memory of their kids at a young, magical age. Before they had boyfriends or cars or credit cards, they let their parents push them in a swing.  In life, moments like these are over in a flash. Make sure to enjoy them while you have them.

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Random Jazz: “Srsly, Everything” Edition

Jake Reinig, travel and portrait photographer

Subjects: Women, children, butterflies, flowers, sunset, seascapes, Disneyland, beaches, friends

Another assortment of random jazz I’ve photographed in the last few months, but which I’ve not posted elsewhere. Enjoy. :)


You’ll notice in a lot of my sunset photos that they’re visibly vignetted at times. This is because I tend to shoot with stacked filters: a UV filter, a neutral density filter, and a graduated neutral density filter.  The filters become so “tall” that they show up in the photos.  This photo–which, by the way, my talented brother helped me with–is an example of getting the filters wrong. I forgot to rotate the graduated filter, which is why the left side is so much darker than the right. Even though it’s technically messed up, I still like this self-portrait.





I think we took about 10 of these photos, and I believe that this was the closest we got to smiles in any of them. :)





One comment on this photo: Danger was not cooperating for most of this shoot. Randomly however, he walked past me, laid on the floor, and let me snap this gem.

Oh, and one other comment: for reasons I won’t go into, I had a Justin Bieber star-shaped piñata at my apartment the night we did this shoot.  Danger’s dad decided to go through the mass of candy inside, and of course the kids were interested. Days later the family was passing near my place when Danger said something to the effect of: “Remember how Jake has candy in his star hole?”  Makes me laugh every time. :)






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Random Jazz: 12/29/09

Location: Orange, CA, Mission San Juan Capistrano, my studio. Subject: family and children photography, architecture, female portraits.

Another post with random photos for you. The first set comes from my good friend Declan (“Danger”) and his mom/dad Becky and Trevor (who in my head I just accidentally called “Decky, Beclan and Trevor”). They’re now expecting child numero dos, which is what the “+1″ is all about. The last photo is my favorite; while we were shooting someone started up a power tool; apparently, it concerned him greatly. :)

The second set is from a short trip I took to Mission San Juan Capistrano. I wish that a) there had been fewer people, and b) that it wasn’t so overcast, as this made for flat lighting that wasn’t too interesting. I’ll need to go back on a brighter day.

Finally, we have some studio-esque poses of my long-time friend Kristin Schult. She’s on her way to being a superstar Christian speaker, so we took some shots that hopefully will end up on her upcoming website. I think the photos look quite lovely, don’t you? (Ignoring me in the last photo, of course.) These were shot with a fairly simple setup: 2 Canon 580EX II speedlights in Apollo softboxes to the front of her, and a naked 430EX speedlight in the back against some black seemless paper for a little rim lighting.

Click the pics for low-calorie bigger versions.

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Sundaaaaay … Strobey Sunday

Here’s an explanation of the title, for the unhip amongst you. ;)

I spent today playing around with different strobe setups and bossing around the lovely Clara as part of an amazing workshop put on by the very talented Ben Chen. We started off with various speedlites and softboxes indoors before moving outdoors with larger Alien Bees and Quantum lights at sunset. I’ll admit that I definitely need more practice with strobes, so this was a great opportunity to learn from one of the best photographers in our area.

By the way: don’t let Ben’s website fool you. His pictures are much, much better than what his simple website would seem to indicate. We got to see them in projector size, high quality color and I was blown away.

In any event, here are some samples from the day.

_mg_4074 _mg_3993 _mg_4030-01 _mg_4069 _mg_3989 _mg_4045

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