Fair Me Well

As I have for the last few years, I entered a few photos into the OC Fair’s photography competition. I entered 9 photos and had 5 accepted to display. Turns out, that’s really expensive! It’s $10 an entry, plus the framing and printing for each of the accepted entries. Maybe next year I’ll go a little easier, particularly considering I never win. :)

Here’s the 4 photos they rejected:

Jake Reinig

Jake Reinig

Jake Reinig

Jake Reinig

And here’s the 5 that made it:

Jake Reinig


_Jake Reinig


Jake Reinig


Jake Reinig


Jake Reinig

I never know why they pick what they do, and frankly, am often surprised at which of mine make it and which don’t.  So, who knows? Maybe I’ll get lucky and win. Or maybe a budget hotel chain will want to reprint one 10,000 times for use in their bathrooms. Oh, speaking of which, if you’re the art buyer for a large hotel chain, feel free to send me an email. I know a guy who’s selling prints.

Regardless of whether you want to give me large sums of money, I encourage you to visit the fair, and particularly the art competitions. There’s some really great stuff that gets shown each year. Hope to see you there!

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